Category Archives: Blog

November Nesting

novembernesting It's dark and cold outside and if your home needs a little TLC to get it looking good for all those guests and parties at Christmas, or for cosy nights by the fire, now is the time to get your paintbrushes, stencils, fabric and scissors out and...
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Deck the halls, its December!

christmasgaiety Well the weather outside is... not so frightful, but The Gaiety is still so delightful! And will be even more delightful after this weekend when Mr. & Mrs. Claus (i.e. Mr. & Mrs. Gaiety) return on their sleigh (.ie the Gaiety truck) with lots and lots of...
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On the road again..

thegaietypost Spring has finally sprung! Hurray! Lots of news at the Gaiety, with our Pop Up Shop, now officially the 'Town Shop'! With it we we official welcome on board Amy & Maire.  A gem of a shop that you will loose yourself in discovering the Gaietys treasures. With...
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